Creating a collection

Define the necessary metadata

First of all, define the scope and metadata of the collection:

  • Concise description of the collection topic (examples: Largest global social media, Most used social media in France, Dating apps, Platforms providing services to businesses…)
  • Collection name (3 words maximum, examples: Platform Governance Archive, France Élections, Dating, P2B Compliance Assessment…)
  • Collection ID (examples: pga, France-elections, dating, p2b-compliance…)
  • Terms language (examples: English, French, All EU languages…)
  • Terms jurisdiction (examples: EU, France, EEA, USA, global…)
  • Collection maintainer entity (name, logo, url)

Create repositories


Create the collection declarations repository by using the demo-declarations repository as template:

  • Go to the demo-declarations repository
  • Click on the “Use this template” dropdown and select “Create a new repository”
  • Set the repository name to <collection_id>-declarations. For example: pga-declarations.
  • When redirected to the newly generated repository, wait a minute or two for the automatic setup to run. You can check the status of the first-time-setup GitHub action to make sure that everything ran fine.

Fill the about section

  • Click on the little cogwheel icon next to the “About” block.
  • Set the description to “Declarations for <collection_name>. Maintained by <maintainer>.”
  • Set website:
  • Add the following tags: terms-of-service, terms-of-service-agreements, terms-and-conditions, open-terms-archive.
  • Uncheck “Releases”, “Packages” and “Environments”.

Define repository settings

These settings ease the whole contribution process.

  • In the “Pull Requests” section: check only the “Allow squash merging” option, and set it to “Default to pull request title and commit details”.
  • Enable “Allow auto-merge”.
  • Enable “Automatically delete head branches”.
  • In the “Branches” section: add a branch protection rule for main, check “Require status checks to pass before merging” and add validate_modified_declarations and validate_schema as required status checks.
  • In the “Actions” section, in the “General” submenu: select “Allow all actions and reusable workflows”.

Remove default labels

Issues labels will be added by the engine as problems are encountered when tracking. The default labels offered by GitHub, such as question or wontfix, are relevant for software development but less so for the process prescribed by Open Terms Archive.

  • Remove all default labels.


  • Update the README file with proper metadata: topic, maintainers, jurisdictions, languages…

Update deployment inventory

  • Open the deployment/inventory.yml and set the server information: server IP, username, server fingerprint…


Create the snapshots repository by using the demo-snapshots repository as template:

  • Go to the demo-snapshots repository
  • Click on the “Use this template” dropdown and select “Create a new repository”
  • Set the repository name to <collection_id>-snapshots.
  • When redirected to the newly generated repository, wait a minute or two for the automatic setup to run. You can check the status of the first-time-setup GitHub action to make sure that everything ran fine.
  • Give write rights on the repo to the maintenance team.

Fill the “About” section

  • Set the description: “Documents snapshots for <collection_name>. Maintained by <maintainer>.”
  • Set website:
  • Add the following tags: terms-of-service, terms-of-service-agreements, terms-and-conditions, open-terms-archive.
  • Uncheck “Releases”, “Packages” and “Environments”.

Define repository settings

These settings aim at minimising the otherwise overwhelming amount of information and click targets.

  • Features: uncheck “Wikis”, “Issues”, “Discussions” and “Projects”.
  • In the “Actions” section, in the “General” submenu: select “Disable actions”.


Create the versions repository by using the demo-versions repository as template:

  • Go to the demo-versions repository
  • Click on the “Use this template” dropdown and select “Create a new repository”
  • Set the repository name to <collection_id>-versions.
  • When redirected to the newly generated repository, wait a minute or two for the automatic setup to run. You can check the status of the first-time-setup GitHub action to make sure that everything ran fine.
  • Give write rights on the repo to the maintenance team.

Fill the “About” section

  • Set the description: “Terms versions for <collection_name>. Maintained by <maintainer>.”
  • Set website:
  • Add the following tags: terms-of-service, terms-of-service-agreements, terms-and-conditions, open-terms-archive.
  • Uncheck “Packages” and “Environments”.

Define repository settings

These settings aim at minimising the otherwise overwhelming amount of information and click targets.

  • Features: uncheck “Wikis”, “Issues”, “Discussions” and “Projects”.
  • In the “Actions” section, in the “General” submenu: select “Disable actions”.

Set up GitHub maintenance teams

For collections to be included in the Open Terms Archive organisation only. For third parties, handle rights however you see fit.

  • Create a new collection team
  • Give it the name of the collection
  • Set as avatar the collection icon from the website
  • Set as description: “Maintainers of the <collection_name> collection”
  • Add selected members to the team
  • Add the declarations repository to the collection team, with “Maintain” access rights
  • Add the snapshots repository to the collection team, with “Triage” access rights (giving them more would enable them to corrupt data)
  • Add the versions repository to the collection team, with “Triage” access rights (giving them more would enable them to corrupt data)
  • Add the declarations, snapshots and versions repositories to the Bots team with “Write” access

Setup deployment

On the server

  • Connect to the server with ssh <username>@<host> (example usernames: debian, ubuntu…)
  • Create a new SSH key: ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f ~/.ssh/ota-deploy
  • Add the public key to authorized_keys: cat ~/.ssh/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
    • Copy the public key with cat ~/.ssh/ and keep it temporarily for the next steps
  • Add the private key to the SSH authentication agent: ssh-add ~/.ssh/ota-deploy (start the SSH agent before if necessary with eval \ssh-agent -s``)
    • Copy the private key with cat ~/.ssh/ota-deploy and keep it temporarily for the next steps

Note: user must have the right to sudo.

On GitHub declarations repository settings

Create the following secrets:

  • SERVER_FINGERPRINT: obtained with ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 <host>
  • SERVER_SSH_KEY: use the previously generated server private key

On declarations repository

Fill deployment/inventory.yml:

  • <host> (example:
  • ansible_user: <username> (example: debian)
  • ed25519_fingerprint: <server_ssh_fingerprint> (example: AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIJkjE1KIbUcoClK+iKLR5ZvmdXMD/eXWghHdenFeJz4c obtained with ssh-keyscan -t ed25519 <host>)


Via GitHub Actions

  • Check that the deploy action ran properly on the declarations repository.


To test deployment from your local machine, your SSH keys must be authorized to connect to the server.

  • cd <path/to/><collection_id>-declarations/deployment
  • ansible-playbook opentermsarchive.deployment.deploy